Transformative Energies is committed to providing relevant bodywork and energetic tools in a safe environment conducive for discharging, healing and resolving stressful histories. In addition, the work primarily focuses upon opening and expanding one’s innate resources by accessing self-healing. This facilitates the unfolding of skills, talents, gifts and abilities allowing for the individual to grow, develop, and thrive in a life direction they choose to create.
"The most powerful tool that Michael has in his skill set is the sacred space of safety he generates through his warmth and kindness. His ability to be supportively present with his clients results in monumental transformation and healing."
Michael was born in New Zealand and moved to the United States with his family when he was fifteen. Shortly after, he was introduced to Touch For Health, a Kinesiology healing modality. This dramatically changed the course of his life, and eventually led to his Graduation from Myotherapy College of Utah and licensing as a Massage Therapist. He opened his bodywork practice in 1996 and then completed the remaining Levels of Touch For Heath. In 2000, he became a TFH Instructor and for several years Michael taught Touch For Health at the Myotherapy College of Utah and the Utah College of Massage Therapy. Michael has completed over 1500 hours of Applied Kinesiology instruction and his continuing education draws upon the techniques and disciplines of Applied Physiology, Kinergetics, Neuro-Energy Kinesiology and LEAP’s Brain Integration modules.
Energy Kinesiology subscribes to the premise that disturbances within an individual’s energy field distorts the flow of energy and therefore disrupts the exchange and flow of information within the person’s biological systems creating compensations, stress and eventual dysfunction. My focus as an Energy Kinesiologist is to locate the source of stress whether it be physical, mental, emotional, and/or spiritual, and support the return to homeostasis through balancing the body’s energy systems.
Energy Kinesiology’s roots originate from the research of an American Chiropractor, Dr. George Goodheart. In 1964, Dr. Goodheart discovered a relationship that exists between the Chinese acupuncture system, the internal organs, and the skeletal muscles of the human body. With a core group of Chiropractors, Goodheart continued his research and a new model of Chiropractic emerged called Applied Kinesiology (AK). Kinesiology, as defined by the dictionary is, “the science dealing with the interrelationship of the physiological processes and anatomy of the human body with respect to movement.“ AK utilizes muscle monitoring as a biofeedback tool; the response of a particular muscle can offer information regarding the various stresses impacting the body and what specific support the body needs to restore health and vitality.
While AK remains in the realm of Chiropractic, Kinesiology in general branched into fields addressing, nutrition, learning disabilities, psychology, and stress related issues in general. Energy Kinesiology is a blanket term used by practitioners trained in various fields such as Touch for Health, Applied Physiology, Neuro-Energetic Kinesiology and LEAP Brain Integration. Modern physics describes the universe in terms of energy and matter. “Bioenergetics” further describes this relationship of energy and matter as “the study of the flow and transformation of energy in and between living organisms and between living organisms and their environment.” Human beings are indeed an elaborate expression and synthesis of this energy/matter interrelationship.
Many clients utilize the Brain Integration work for issues ranging from eliminating mental blocks, which hinder the achievement of their career goals, to transforming negative patterns and beliefs that impact their personal relationships. Others focus upon releasing past traumas and painful memories that inhibit them from participating fully in life to individuals who simply desire to grow and evolve. Whatever it is that you would like to address, the Brain Integration protocols are excellent tools for integrating your life experiences giving you greater access to your potentiality and full expression of your unique self.
We have all experienced times when our knowledge seems to become inaccessible to us. This can feel frustrating since we either know the information or have the ability to perform the certain activity, but in these moments we observe being blank or just plain blocked. Performance anxieties are a great example of this interference. What we often fail to realize is we are actually experiencing loss of Brain Integration due to activation of our Fight/Flight survival system; most likely we’ve been “triggered.”
In order for integration to be maintained effectively, the Brain must perform three operations: First, access specific regions and functions within the brain. Second, have the ability to integrate these brain functions. Third, maintain integration during the performance of these functions. This synthesis can easily be disrupted or overridden if our subconscious associates and /or deems the current situation stressful enough. At this point, compensatory survival patterns can be activated in order to cope or survive. From the Brain’s perspective, the current situation is no longer current, but rather the re-creation of a past traumatic event. From the perspective of another, your behavior may seem avoidant, erratic, confrontational, anxious or just plain confusing. Often what is needed to change the reaction is the discharging of the original stressor.
LEAP (Learning Enhancement Acupressure Program) or more commonly referred to as “Brain Integration,” is a series of protocols developed by Dr. Charles Krebs that is designed to address and discharge the underlying roots of neurological stress. The first protocol focuses upon the Amygdalae because these Limbic nuclei are responsible for initiating the Fight/Flight/Freeze response. However, the Amygdalae receive only a crude perception of the external world and these coarse neural signals are not used to understand or comprehend the objects or events within our environment, but rather these signals act as an early warning system for potential threats and danger. The Amygdalae will then lay down memory of these threatening perceptions and create “Charged Emotional Memory."
Many survival compensations can be formed from these “Charged Emotional Memories” and many become the basis for effective coping strategies unnoticeable to ourselves and others. However the stronger the threat and duration, the greater the potential for unintended alterations to the psychological, physiological and neurological systems of the individual often expressing as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), General Anxieties and/or Depression. While the Brain Integration procedures can help reduce and in some cases curtail these maladies, you do not need a diagnosed or a labeled disorder to benefit from the Integration protocols.
Energy Kinesiology sessions are excellent for individuals who are willing to engage in personal growth and development. In your session, acupressure points and muscle testing are tools utilized to access the subconscious. These methods can often reveal stressful life events and situations where the survival system was employed to cope. Sometimes undesirable feelings and emotions with their corresponding compensations and coping strategies are unveiled, so working at this deeper level requires trusting of the process and a willingness to be open; this can be challenging and rewarding work.
Energy Kinesiology is ideal for...
• Individuals who are truly seeking to understand what belief systems and events in life have created who they are and a desire to shift those beliefs so life can be experienced from a more centered and integrated place.
• Individuals, who are currently and / or have been previously engaged in counseling or life coaching.
• Individuals who are familiar with massage and other bodywork modalities and understand the healing power available with bodywork in general.
As a client, it’s important you understand that Energy Kinesiology does not treat, diagnose or replace prescribed medical or mental health treatment.
If you have a mental health disorder and are currently seeing a psychiatrist, counselor, psychologist and/or other mental-healthcare professional, you will need to provide written consent before making an appointment. An Authorization for Release of Information and Consent form is provided below.
Sometimes we need a little extra support on our journey back to health. During an appointment, your body may indicate a need for a flower essence or herbal remedy, now you can have those items delivered to you personally.
I have partnered with Fullscript who is able to provide you with a vast selection of quality nutritional products. By using their online dispensary, Fullscript allows me to place the items we discussed during your session into one convenient location, your very own private account.
Here’s how…
Click on the Fullscript link, enter the email you provided – which creates your personal account – and there will be your items. Furthermore, you are welcome to browse and find other beneficial products, all of which will be delivered to your front door. It’s that easy.
I love essential oils! Not only are they aromatically pleasing, they have incredible and versatile properties. I use them frequently in my practice, helping clients return to balance, harmony and wholeness; they are what I refer to as the essentials for self–support and nurturance. Many essential oils have resplendent and captivating qualities that make them irresistible, so it is with great excitement that I am pleased to introduce my very own line of essential oil fragrances – Euphoria.™
These full-body fragrances are hand-blended from high quality certified organic and wild crafted essential oils. Designed to meld with your own unique chemistry, Euphoria’s oils are a fusion of the therapeutic constituents and the intoxicating aromas of the natural world. I invite and welcome you to experience Euphoria everyday.
The main focus of my practice involves the Brain Integration protocols. This work assists the re-synchronization of neurology, providing the individual with better access to their potential and innate abilities.
I am an authorized CellCore practitioner. The biofeedback mechanism of muscle monitoring provides a tool to evaluate if your body is experiencing toxic environmental stresses.
With Energy Kinesiology, we can conduct sessions from anywhere in the world. Distance is not a problem. We can use a surrogate to find the information pertaining to your situation and since we will be communicating via the Internet, I can direct you to perform many of the corrections on yourself.
If you have Skype or Apple’s FaceTime we are good to go. A big advantage is the time difference. I will be able to take appointments later in the evenings and I will be available on Saturdays as well.